
Showing posts from April, 2020

The rain in Spain stays mainly in the plain - April 20, 2020

Hola a todos!! I don't have much time, but how are you all? The quarantine just got extended again until May 9th!! Woo! If they add three more weeks, I'll complete my training in quarantine. Que bendición! We have a fecha!! Our friend James wants to be baptized and we set up a date! Miracles only come after the trial of our faith, and I was definitely being tried. But I know that God's timing is perfect and that as long as we keep striving, we'll see that our efforts are not being done in vain. We had our sacrament meeting over video call yesterday, and not even the bishop showed up. Just James! But it was great. We taught him about service, which is really relevant right now with all of the service being done around the world to try to make this crazy situation better. Acts of service aren't in short supply, and we can all do a little bit to bring hope and happiness to the lives of others! That's all I have time for but I love you all! Stay tuned for ...

La cuarantena no nos detendrá - April 6, 2020

Hola!! This email will be pretty short, lo siento! I don't have too much time! I'm thriving! Kind of. We're staying busy and using technology to find and teach, which is great, but it's definitely hard staying here all day every day in our one-room piso. The quarantine just got extended for a few more weeks too, so we're reevaluating everything haha. We can do hard things, and we've already been seeing miracles as we've been doing the work this way! Heavenly Father creates the path, and He won't ask us to do anything we can't.  I don't know about you, but general conference was exactly what I needed! I was so inspired and uplifted by the messages we heard. I loved the themes of hope and healing, as well as hard work and change. This is our time and our chance to gather Israel in creative ways we never have before. People's hearts and minds are opening to this message, and now is the time for action. As much as the adversary is t...