
Showing posts from August, 2020

¡cuidado pescado! 🐟 - 10 Aug, 2020

 Holaaaa a todos!! It's Monday again! I swear this has been the fastest transfer ever - it's over in 2 weeks! But I hope you all had an amazing week and that you're thriving! 😁 Our friend Maritza is getting baptized this Saturday on the 15th!!! She just had her baptismal interview, and we were kind of worried the whole time because she always has so many questions. But apparently, our district leader was very prepared and helped her out a lot. He did say "hey Hermanas she's great, but did you know that she drinks coffee every day?" We had no idea but apparently, it's just a tiny bit before work to keep her going during the day. But this morning,  we got a text from her with a photo of her drink and she said: "I prefer Nesquik"!! We honestly have the best friends 🥰 Ok gross story (sorry in advance). So before I got to Leganés, apparently a recent convert gave the sisters an entire fish and some other ingredients to make a soup from his country. ...

6 Months - Aug 3, 2020

Hoooooooola! Cómo están? I hope you all had a súper good week! First of all... I HIT 6 MONTHS IN THE MISSION!!!! I come home in less than 1 year from now!! It's absolutely wild, the time has flown by. Last Monday we went to Toledo again, was awful, again. Last time we just walked around for 20 minutes and then sat in a park with our zone for 5 hours, and this time we did some shopping (for just 30 minutes) and got lunch and then..sat in a park for 2 hours. We were going to try to go to a castle but it was closed like everything else. Toledo is officially the city of broken dreams and I'm never going again. Also, it was 108°. But that's ok! Because today for PDay we went to Sol! The city of fulfilled dreams! Haha, it was so much fun. We started by going to the Prado (an art museum in Madrid) and we were there for 3 hours - it's huge. It was so beautiful and I'm glad I did it with Hermana Romero! I wanted to go when I went to Sol for the first time because, y...