
Showing posts from February, 2020

Es chistoso, no? - Feb 19, 2020

Hola familia! I hope that you all had a good week like I did! It's kind of crazy because so much happens in a week and it goes by so fast, but the days feel so long. Like it feels like it was just barely preparation day, but classes seem to drag sometimes (they're 3 hours each so it's understandable). But it's been great for the most part! We have had two TRCs in Spanish this week, one member and one non-member. The non-member actually went better. The member was an RM and got back in 2013. He was basically a brick wall and just answered sí or no to all of our questions, and didn't ask us anything. On top of that, my companion wasn't saying anything because she doesn't feel secure with the language yet,  and she kind of shuts down (which we're working on), but it meant that I was carrying the discussion. Also, I asked if we could start with a prayer and he said no and then I kind of laughed but it was weird. He also said no when I asked if he had...

¡Qué bendición! - Feb 12th, 2020

Hola Familia! Como están? So much has happened this week it's hard to cram it all into one email, but I'll do my best! I'd say this week was better than last week in the sense that it went by much faster, and I think I was more comfortable and happier. There were still so many hard moments, but the good far outweighs the bad. So the phrase "que bendicion" was coined by one of my Spanish teachers, who says it all the time. It means "what a blessing" and it applies to almost every situation. Chick-fil-a for dinner? Qué bendición! Falling flat on my face twice this week and getting a bloody knee? Qué bendición, indeed. The whole district has caught on and it's the new go-to. Just as a refresher, my district includes three Elder and two sister companionships, making 10 altogether. The other three sisters and I are all roommates. We decided to do a nice gesture for the elders, so we wrote each of them a nice note saying what we appreciate about ...

Bienvenidos al CCM!

Hola a todos! It has been a crazy week. No one tells you what it's really like in the MTC, so I'll take one for the team. It's an adjustment. The best way I can describe it is by saying it's a rollercoaster. One minute you're great, learning fast, feeling the spirit and connecting with people, and the next you're overwhelmed and anxious and frustrated. And it's been like that for everyone I've talked to here. I think once you make it to your week mark, everything gets better and I feel more comfortable with the schedule already, so it's only going up from here.  All I've eaten this week has been salad, soup & fruit. The cafeteria isn't exactly bad, but those are the things I've gravitated towards.  So I have an awesome room. My companion, Hermana Corgiat is great. She's from Ogden, she's a soccer player and she's also going to Madrid! Que Bueno! The other companionship in our room consists of Hermana Wade, wh...

Ivy Enters the MTC

Ivy's Uncle and Cousin dropped her off at the MTC and here's the picture! Ivy sent an email a few hours later! Hello Madre and Padre, I'm in my first class and one of the tasks was to email parents so here I am! I got kind of unpacked and I met my companion, Hermana Corgiat and she's awesome! She's from Ogden and is a soccer player and is generally very happy and excited to be here. Anyway, I have to go but I love you! Hermana Carlson