Es chistoso, no? - Feb 19, 2020

Hola familia! I hope that you all had a good week like I did! It's kind of crazy because so much happens in a week and it goes by so fast, but the days feel so long. Like it feels like it was just barely preparation day, but classes seem to drag sometimes (they're 3 hours each so it's understandable). But it's been great for the most part! We have had two TRCs in Spanish this week, one member and one non-member. The non-member actually went better. The member was an RM and got back in 2013. He was basically a brick wall and just answered sí or no to all of our questions, and didn't ask us anything. On top of that, my companion wasn't saying anything because she doesn't feel secure with the language yet, and she kind of shuts down (which we're working on), but it meant that I was carrying the discussion. Also, I asked if we could start with a prayer and he said no and then I kind of laughed but it was weird. He also said no when I asked if he had...