Es chistoso, no? - Feb 19, 2020

I hope that you all had a good week like I did!
It's kind of crazy because so much happens in a week and it goes by so fast, but the days feel so long. Like it feels like it was just barely preparation day, but classes seem to drag sometimes (they're 3 hours each so it's understandable).
But it's been great for the most part! We have had two TRCs in Spanish this week, one member and one non-member. The non-member actually went better.

But we also had Christian, a nonmember from Peru who's going to BYU. Again, I kind of carried the conversation and my companion mostly listened, but she told me after that she had a feeling of comfort like "it's ok, just let her go". And I did. He was engaged in the discussion and asked a lot of questions. I felt the need to have him read James 1:5 and tell him a bit about Joseph Smith, which I didn't prepare for. But it was kind of crazy because first of all, he gave us really great reviews and feedback on our lesson, and second, Elder Jeffrey R. Holland came to the MTC last night and gave a devotional, and talked about how important it is to teach investigators about Joseph Smith and the restoration. His talk was definitely a wow, and if you want my notes or a summary of it you can email me separately so this isn't too long. But it was inspiring, to say the least.
We had a substitute teacher on Monday who served in Spain Madrid! She told my comp and I that the mission president and his wife are the best people and they are one of the things she misses most about her mission. She made us practice the "zeta" or the lisp sound that Spaniards make when there's a c or z in a word. Like I was saying "corazon" and she came over and said "I want to hear it hermana", so I had to say "corathon". I guess she's right that it would be good to start practicing, but I hope the lisp doesn't stick when I come home!
My comp and I are the new sister training leaders for our branch! That means we watch out for our girls and we get to help the new ones figure everything out! 6 just came today, and they all seem so great already.
I have less than 3 weeks left here, which means I'm more than halfway through the MTC! I'll be in Spain in three weeks. It's crazy. I'm so excited though.
Well, that's all the energy that I have to give to this email and you're probably tired of reading it so I'll end it here.
I love you all so much! I hope you will be able to see the hand of God in your lives this week. I know He loves you and is blessing you constantly.
Les Quiero mucho!
Hermana Carlson
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