
Showing posts from March, 2020

Hallamos gozo cada día ☀️ - March 30, 2020

Hola a todos! How are you all? It seems like the situation changes every day with everything going on in the world. We are staying in Spain, and my mission president said it would be more dangerous if we went home than if we just stay where we are. Luckily over the past few weeks, we've kind of learned how to work in quarantine and we're staying pretty busy. We usually have 5 citas every day, and we're slowly meeting the members of our ward and our amigos! Also, I have a new trainer! I was with my trainer for about 5 days but she ended up going home because of health issues. It was pretty hard on me, but my new trainer and I get along really well and we're both new to the area! So it's an adventure 😁 My companion and I wrote notes to stick on some of our neighbor's doors because we can't go out and meet people in the streets, so we take all the excitement we can get. Also, we've met some of them and they're awesome! One of them, last week ...

Un poco loco - March 16, 2020

Hola a todos! It has been an insane week and a half. I didn't have a p-day on Wednesday because I was on three flights to Spain! I've been here since Wednesday and got quarantined after about 2 days. I saw some of Spain at least! The flights were long, and I didn't get much sleep. It was a 7 hour time difference, so the first few days here I was dizzy all the time, and falling asleep during meetings. We had to go through security before every flight, so it ended up being three times. Que bendición. We made it to Madrid alive and met our mission president and his wife. They're seriously the best. Also, the mission office is on the grounds of the Madrid temple! It's so beautiful. We got oriented the first day and slept in the mission home that night. The next day we went back to the office, had some meetings, then met our trainers after lunch and went to our areas! My trainer is Hermana Andros, and she's from Massachusetts. It's so beautiful here! My a...

Ivy Arrives in Spain - March 11, 2020

Hola parents! I've met my mission president and his wife! They're great! They asked me to email you, I'm safe and happy. They fed us the best food I've had in 6 weeks ! And we got to drive past the Madrid temple. I can't believe I'm this lucky. This is a dream! We have a busy day ahead and we'll crash at the mission home  tonight , meet our trainers  tomorrow afternoon . But anyway! I love you guys so so much! I'll probably talk to you guys on  Monday  ❤ Love, Hermana Carlson

Earl, Pearl and Merle: Stay out of the street

Hola a todos! ¿Como están? This week was..a week! That's the best way I can describe it. First is the worst: I don't have my Visa. Esta bien! Kind of! If the people at the travel office in Salt Lake don't send it by Friday, I will be temporarily reassigned for six weeks or as long as it takes. The location will be the Las Vegas, Nevada West mission! Kind of don't know how to feel about it but I'm trying to adjust to the idea, and trust that whatever happens is right. It's kind of hard when people will say "you're called to the work, not the place" and they already have their visas. There's no way they could know what it feels like. I had no idea it would feel like this. Technically we don't have our new calls yet, but the elders in our district showed us a way to find out where we're going early. I didn't believe them, but then I did what they said and Las Vegas Nevada West popped up. I felt sick. It was just a lot to take in...