Hola a todos!
It has been an insane week and a half. I didn't have a p-day on Wednesday because I was on three flights to Spain!
I've been here since Wednesday and got quarantined after about 2 days. I saw some of Spain at least!

The flights were long, and I didn't get much sleep. It was a 7 hour time difference, so the first few days here I was dizzy all the time, and falling asleep during meetings. We had to go through security before every flight, so it ended up being three times. Que bendición. We made it to Madrid alive and met our mission president and his wife. They're seriously the best. Also, the mission office is on the grounds of the Madrid temple! It's so beautiful. We got oriented the first day and slept in the mission home that night. The next day we went back to the office, had some meetings, then met our trainers after lunch and went to our areas! My trainer is Hermana Andros, and she's from Massachusetts.
It's so beautiful here! My area is Móstoles, about 45 minutes west of Madrid. I love it. I can't wait to be able to walk outside without breaking the law again. I do have a window right next to my bed that opens, which is nice. But my piso is basically one room, so it's hard sometimes feeling trapped.
There are police wandering the streets turning people around and letting them off with a warning. I had to show my passport at the grocery store today, so that was sketchy. The rules are that you have to stand 1 meter apart minimum from anyone and that you can't be outside before 9am or after 9pm or you'll be fined over $1000. But it's ok! My group of missionaries from the MTC traveling to Spain was one of the last groups to get in, and I know I'm here for a reason.

We have to be creative with how the work moves forward. We've been doing a lot of Facebook work as well as video calling people on WhatsApp, and doing lessons that way. We do a lot of studying and a lot of video llamadas. We might start to experiment with watercolor painting or a puzzle to spice things up.

Before we were quarantined, on Friday, we did service at a kitchen that gives food to the homeless. Apparently, we would usually put the food out on tables and serve people, but because of the virus, we put food in bags to give to people who came by. My trainer and I were putting carrots, potatoes, and onions in bags for most of it. The one lady, Dolores, who was in charge of everything, was funny. Everything had to be her way. There were a few carrots that fell on the floor, so my comp put them in the garbage. Dolores came over to see how we were doing, and she looked in the garbage, saw the carrots and took them out. We told her that they fell, and she said "si me caí..." and gave us a whole speech something along the lines of "if I fell, you wouldn't throw me out". It was hilarious. But it was so fun to be around all of them yelling at each other and joking around. They made us eat something at the end, and while we were talking I heard "peliroja" and something about my eyes. They were sweet.
Everyone here says I speak well, but all I really say is 'I'm new here, I'm from Connecticut which is close to New York, it's my first week here, sorry for my Spanish,' etc. It's been harder than I thought to understand the natives here, but I'm working on it, and most of them are very kind and helpful. They say "poco a poco, it'll come".
That's about all I have time for! The mission is hard, but I know it'll be worth it! I'm so blessed to be here in this country and blessed to be here during this time of confusion. I know that Heavenly Father has prepared a way for His children to receive the gospel, even if they can't go outside.
I love and miss you all! Please keep me updated on your lives!
Hermana Carlson
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