
Showing posts from May, 2020

It's been a hOt minute - May 25, 2020

Hola a todos!! How are you all? Espero que todo esté bien 😁 I can't write a ton this week because we just hit phase 1 in Spain, so we can leave! We're chilling at the Sister Training Leader's piso right now! We're going to have a sleepover tonight, so it's pretty exciting to  have some human interaction from someone that isn't my companion for the first time in months 😊  It's been 90 degrees every day here! The weather went from cold and cloudy to blistering heat real quick.  Just in time for us to go back outside RIP  Things are good here and we're going to be transitioning back into "normal missionary life" little by little! Facebook men are still interesting, and one of our less active friends answered our video call while he was smelling flowers in a field! Also one of our friends we were teaching sent us a text that said: "I'm not interested in your message, sorry"!! It broke our hearts but it's ok! We're thriving ...

Straight up ✌not having a good time✌ - May 11, 2020

Hola!! Ok so right after I sent last week's email about James being fuerte and progressing towards baptism, we called him randomly that day and he told us he doesn't want to be baptized. Rip. But it was interesting because he was kind of mumbling when we asked him what his doubts were. I know he knows it's true. We explained that we usually have trials right before we make a good decision (like baptism), and we answered his questions. He said that there wasn't any historical evidence of the book of Mormon like there is for the bible, he grew up in Peru but never learned anything about Nephites or Lamanites. We explained that, but he was just kind of off the entire time. He feels the spirit when he reads but I guess he's going to investigate other churches to see if he feels the same feeling. He was looking on the internet for answers (worst idea) and found some "anti" literature of course, instead of coming to us. I asked him if he prayed about his doubts ...

Finalmente - May 4, 2020

Hola a todos! How are you all? Espero que super bien!! Ok, exciting news- we can go outside!!! A little bit! The government put out a schedule for everyone, so from 6-10am you can go out and exercise, 10-12 elderly people can go out for a walk, 12-8 kids can be outside, and 8-11pm we can go out again and exercise/walk! We've been going out twice a day for two days and it's heaven. I'm finally getting to see some of Mostoles and it's been so fun.  Our friend James who has a baptismal date is still excited and progressing! He might be moving back home to Peru in June, so we're hoping to be able to get the Capilla (chapel) open in time to meet his date of May 16. Heavenly Father has a plan and we've already seen so many quarantine miracles here, I'm sure everything will work out the way it should! Also, we're teaching a girl named Cherry from Taiwan! She lives in Madrid! She's learning Spanish, we teach her in English, and she prays in Mandarin. She...